Sharp Hands is an online gallery specifically focusing on the art of collage from around the world. Each issue is meant to simulate a group show at an art gallery and will feature six artists showing unseen new work. Sharp Hands was created through Future Tense Books to give collage its own exclusive venue, where viewers can see work that surprises, distorts, rearranges, energizes, and stretches the limits of hand-made assemblages. Sharp Hands will be published at least three times a year, with much of the work available to purchase directly through the artist. Sharp Hands is curated by Pacific Northwest-based collage artists Kevin Sampsell and Cheryl Chudyk, with occasional guest curators.  

Kevin Sampsell is the publisher of Future Tense Books in Portland, Oregon and the author and editor of several books including the novel, This Is Between Us (Tin House Books). He wrote the collage column, Paper Trumpets, on, for thirty installments and started the Open Collage Night at the Independent Publishing Resource Center in Portland. His collages have appeared in Kolaj Magazine, Clackamas Literary Review, Chicago Quarterly Review, Black Candies, Entropy, and elsewhere. His book of collages and poems, I Made an Accident, was recently published by Clash Books.

Cheryl Chudyk is a Canadian artist currently based out of Seattle. She studies collage under Larry Calkins and has a background in wedding photography, ballet, jazz, and contemporary dance. She dabbles in portraits, poetry, painting, and comics. Her collage work has been published in {th ink} Publication, Cults of Life, OLTRE, transitional MOMENTS, and 6 issues of Cut Me Up Magazine, and she has exhibited her work in the US and Europe. She is the president of The Northwest Collage Society and is a member of @thecollageclub on Instagram. She is always looking to make collaborative pieces with other artists. 

Sharp Hands logo and technical support by Felicity Fenton.

Oh, hey. You can buy a Sharp Hands t-shirt now, too.